Animate width from zero to auto (kinda)
What if 100% meant auto?
What if 100% meant auto?
If you follow me for some time, you might know already how much I like css custom properties. Not the variables syntax, which is arguably too verbose, but the power they bring to the table!
In this series, I’ll explore some common web layouts and show how modern layout technologies allow you to achieve them using a semantic markup. In this first blog post, I’ll work on the facebook layout.
It’s been a while already that a vast majority of web designs have been, consciously or not, based on the concept of the grid layout. However, the formatting toolbox of the web did not, until recently, provide developers with the so-critical grid layout.
Now, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and can’t continue waiting. That’s why I’ve been working on a piece of javascript you can add to any modern browser in order to add support for CSS Grids. Today, I’m releasing a first version to you, as part of larger css-polyfilling plans.
There’s has been recent discussion about the separation between content and presentation. The well known paradigm is simple: HTML is for content, for semantic information, and CSS is for presentation and layout.
On the eve of HTML Web Components, and of stronger than ever Responsive Design requirements, the need for Element Media Queries is becoming very visible. This blog post will try to make a case for a JavaScript prollyfill and gives some background on why the :min-width pseudo-class is so difficult to implement.
Back in early 2010, I made a lightening talk on how I thought a new kind of innovation process started to drive the web forward. Today, I think this model is becoming more and more the predominant model of evolution of web standards.
I’m proposing to add ‘rpx’ aka the ‘Responsive Pixel Unit’ to later revisions of CSS Values and Units. It’s value is computed as follow: (1rem) / (the default font size settings of the browser).
There’s no way to make designs responsive to ambient light variations in CSS today. This is strange, and I think it should change…
Many subjects are being discussed in the CSS Working Group. So many subjects, in fact, that you can't get involved in all of them. However, some are more critical to the future of the CSS language than others. And I truly believe that the current css-variables discussion is one of them.